Digital Design Principles and Practices

by John F. Wakerly

The Fifth Edition with Verilog, ISBN-10 013446009X (ISBN-13 9780134460093), was published in the summer of 2017 by Pearson Education.

Instructors: You can sign up for instructor materials by contacting your Pearson / representative or by going to the Resources page at Pearson’s home page for DDPP5: Instructor resources include lecture slides, solutions for all exercise, and source files for all Verilog modules. If you don’t have an access code/account, just try to download anything and you will by given the opportunity to sign up.

Students: Your instructor should be willing to give you the source files for any Verilog modules in the text, and may even publish them locally on a protected student site. You are welcome to download these files as needed to test or modify them. Your instructor may also provide you with selected exercise solutions in a similar way. However, all of this material is subject to copyright, so please do not republish or post it anywhere.

Electrical Circuits Review: Students with no electronics background can get the basics by reading this 20-page electronics tutorial by Bruce M. Fleischer.

The fifth-edition errata can be found here.  Also note that in some printings, the printer erroneously copied the timing diagram in Figure 13-32 into Figure 13-33 on p. 724 as well.  A new copy of p. 724 with the correct timing diagram can be found here.

For the fourth edition of this book, please see the old page.

For the third and second editions of this book, please see the even older page.

You may contact the author by email using his first name at his last name .com.  His parents had the foresight to name him after his email address.

Last updated January 15, 2024